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Minor in writing

          In January 2017, I started my journey as a student in the Sweetland minor in writing. The minor in writing is designed for undergraduate students from any major who have an interest in developing and exploring their writing. I am currently taking the gateway class that is composed of three projects and some other smaller writings on each students' personal writer's notebook. On this part of my E-portfolio you will be able to find all of my work done through the minor in writing: 

First Assignment

Our first assignment was to write a "How I write" essay about our process, how we do what we do and why. 

Project I

Our first project was an essay exploring why we write, our relationship with writing and being a writer. 

Project II

Our Second project  was to repurpose one of our already written work by stretching it to a different voice.

Project III

Our third project was a remediting of our second project into a new media. 

Writer's Notebook

Each Class we would write on our writer's Notebook about a topic chosen by T. 

Here is various of my writing.

Minor in Writing Blog

A part of our Minor is a blog created for students in the Minor to communicate. Here is the link to my Blog posts.

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